Homes for Sale in Ballard


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         So you thought that fifteen years of gentrification would find that Ballard had cooled down enough for you and your uncool ways to fit in? Well think again. Ballard remains the trendiest, most kitschy, holier-than-thou-or-anyone-thou-know neighborhood in Washington State. Anthropologists report that only Portland, Oregon has higher per-capita rates of horn rimmed glasses, ugly striped scarves, and plaid button-down short-sleeved shirts. Of course Ballard scores highly in the “clothes that were popular in the 1950′s” category due in large part to the fact that this ancient Norwegian enclave is still home to many ancient Norwegians. Between the fantastically well-aged and the disgustingly young, there is almost no room left for the middle demographics. But fear not. If you still want to buy a house here, we can hop on some fixed-wheel bicycles, don outlandish juxtapositions of  both bland and neon textiles, and go tour some properties. Enjoy the following current Ballard real estate listings. . .

- Keller Williams Seattle Metro West